Sunday, 20 October 2013

Service Contract processing | Business Process in SAP CRM by krishna


You can use this business process to create service contracts that can be used as a basis for later service transactions.

Based on a service agreement, you can create a service contract quotation that is presented to the customer. After it is accepted by the customer, this quotation becomes a service contract.

Process Flow

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


1. Create parameters for service level agreement (SAP CRM)

You create and maintain the parameters for the Service Level Agreements.

The SLA parameters Availability Time and Response Time are integrated as default settings in SAP CRM. However, you can also freely define other company-specific parameters to support specific business processes.

2. Create service product (SAP CRM)

In the system, you create the services that should be agreed upon in the service contract items as products of type Service (for example, maintenance, hotline, inspection).

3. Create service agreement (SAP CRM)

You create a service agreement. A service agreement is a long-term agreement between business partners, in which conditions, such as prices, and releasable products are defined. In turn, these conditions and products are valid for service contracts that are created with reference to this service agreement.

4. Maintain customer group or customer hierarchy (SAP CRM)

You process customer groups or customer hierarchies in the service agreement.

5. Maintain items in service agreement (SAP CRM)

You maintain the items in the service agreement.

6. Maintain price agreements (SAP CRM)

You maintain price agreements in the service agreement. Note that price agreements in contract items take precedence over prices defined in the contract header.

7. Create pricing conditions for service agreement items (SAP CRM)

You determine and process the pricing conditions for the service agreement items.

8. Maintain product list (SAP CRM)

You maintain the product list in which you define the services and service parts that can be claimed within the context of service order processing with reference to a service contract. In the service contract, you can group services and service parts in a service package which you can then offer as a service product.

9. Create service contract quotation (SAP CRM)

You create a service contract quotation based on the service agreement.

10. Maintain object list (SAP CRM)

You process the object list in the items in the service contract quotation. In the object list, you enter the objects for which the service product agreed upon in the service contract item can be claimed. Installed bases, installed base components and products can be used as elements of this object list.

11. Maintain pricing conditions for contract items (SAP CRM)

You determine and maintain the conditions for pricing in the service contract item.

12. Release items for service contract quotation (SAP CRM)

You release the items for the service contract quotation.

13. Send quotation to customer (SAP CRM)

You send the service contract quotation to the customer.

14. Customer accepts service contract quotation (SAP CRM)

The customer accepts the service contract quotation.

15. Update contract quotation according to customer’s decision (SAP CRM)

Following the customer’s response, you update the contract quotation accordingly.

16. Convert service contract quotation into service contract (SAP CRM)

If a customer accepts the service contract quotation, create a service contract from the quotation.

17. System generates billing plan (SAP CRM)

18. System generates billing request items (SAP CRM)

19. Release service contract items and save contract (SAP CRM)

You release the items in the service contract and save the service contract.

20. System performs revenue recognition for service contracts (SAP ECC)

21. Update accrual quantity (SAP ECC)

You update the accrual quantity.

22. System creates and assigns appropriate controlling object (SAP ECC)

A controlling object is created for the service contract in financial accounting. Costs and revenues are posted to the controlling object, or an existing controlling object is assigned to the service contract.


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